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Postcode Boundaries

The Postcode Boundaries dataset is a result of a collaborative effort between Geoscape Australia and Australia Post.


It includes boundary and centroid (‘geometric centre’) data for some 2700 postcode boundaries across Australia.


Like Geoscape’s other datasets, updates are released on a regular quarterly basis. This is important given ongoing changes to postcodes and postcode boundaries.

Applications include:

Customer and prospect analysis

Tagging postcodes to geocoded databases

Heat maps

Australian postcode boundaries

National Postcode Boundaries

Callpoint Spatial Postcodes Extra

Our value-added edition builds on the raw Geoscape data in two steps:

Amalgamation of the different State/Territory boundaries into a national edition

Addition of the following useful attribution to the Postcode Boundary polygons:

  • Postcode

  • Latitude/Longitude of the postcode centroid

Applications for Postcodes Extra include:

Postcode distance table creation

‘Find my nearest shop/outlet/distributor’ for visitors who enter their postcode into your website

For further details including licensing please contact us.

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